St Peter / Balsall Common

Our Policies:


Safeguarding (Adult *and* Children):

We have policies and officers in place to ensure that due processes exist and are followed to ensure the welfare and safety of all who use our church, and that all ‘officers’ (people working on behalf of the church) are duly trained and examined (“DBS checked”). For more information and contact details in case of need, please Click here and follow the link (NB this also includes issues of Domestic Abuse and Modern Slavery)

Our Social Media Policy:

We do not have a formal policy for our social media channels, except that we observe our responsibilities to children and vulnerable adults as expressed in our safeguarding policy. However, we attempt to comply with the Church of England social media guidelines (click on the highlighted text to access these)

Policy on Video-recording:

Additional protocol to the St Peter’s Policy on Data Protection. 

Video Recording and Live Streaming of events in Church.

It is a guiding principle of our Data Protection Policy that any data (including pictures) collected should fit with our policies of Safety, Safeguarding, and Mission – so that nobody should be harmed by our filming, or exposed to risk (such as by stalkers, or other forms of exploitation) and that its use should be related to our role in spreading the Gospel. Consequently, nobody should be identified by name without their explicit consent, and everyone should be given the opportunity to stay out of camera shot.

Under Data Protection legislation, ‘religion, faith or belief’ is a ‘protected characteristic’ and regarded as sensitive data. Pictures that suggest or indicate the faith or belief of an individual are therefore explicitly subject to GDPR regulation, although if these are for ‘private’ use within a group or for individual use, they are exempt. However, for the avoidance of uncertainty, St Peter’s Church will post notices informing those using the church that they may be recorded on video, and in some services, these are sent to the internet as a ‘live stream’. Anyone wishing to avoid inclusion should be informed where to sit (in the Baptistry, in general, or at the rear of the Hall for services held there), to avoid being accidentally shown ‘on camera’. When appropriate (eg during the giving of Communion) it might be desirable to direct the PTZ (‘streaming’) camera at another activity such as the piano or screen.

Our filming, and any other ‘data collection’, will only ever be used for sharing our worship, or when necessary, for security purposes, and similar legitimate uses. We shall never use them for commercial purposes, although we may accept donations from families when filming is arranged for weddings and funerals or similar family occasions, on the understanding that they accept that copies are only shared for personal use, and not for wider publication.

When videos are shared on our websites, or with others by sending a ‘link’ URL, we use Youtube’s ‘Unlisted’ setting, which means that they can only be seen by those with whom the link is explicitly shared. They cannot be found by ‘search’ strategies. Recordings of young people (only ever used by explicit permission of parents) are ‘de-linked’ after an agreed period, usually after 2 days.

Data Privacy Notice:

View our Data Privacy Notice here.

Health & Safety Policy:

View our Health and Safety Policy here.