St Peter / Balsall Common

To all at St Peter's Church 

Thank you for the warm welcome you have given us as a family this year. We feel truly blessed to be part of St Peter's and are grateful to everyone for making it such a welcoming place.

May you have a peaceful Christmas and I pray God's blessing on us for the new year.

Rev'd Suzy

Nine lessons and Carols Service: 

Hi All - just a huge THANK YOU for your participation in our Nine Lessons and Carols service/s whether you sang, helped with refreshments, read, created the powerpoint, worked on the desk or cleared up at the end it all felt worthwhile and we've had a LOT of +ve comments, both on the afternoon/evening as well as today.

I don't know yet what collection money was raised at Hampton (to be divided between Save the Children and the Church) but I'll probably find out in the New Year (latest).

You'll be pleased to know that at Balsall Common, the collection totalled £440 so £220 to church and £220 to the Ukraine effort - Roman and his family send their grateful thanks, it will be put towards the purchase of a car which will be used to transport supplies to the border of Poland and Ukraine. Do please keep spreading the word re- more supplies needed [in both churches there are small slips of paper listing the sorts of things that are useful] and of course, money is needed all the time to help buy the cars, fuel etc etc.

Thanks again - here's hoping you all have a wonderful Xmas and a Peaceful New Year - cheers - Kim

Congratulations to Alla Pavuk:
Alla who has done so much to enable us to have our weekly powerpoints and to stream our services has been awarded Microsoft Project Manager of the Year2024. Many Congratulations Alla.