St Peter / Balsall Common

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting:

Will be held in St Peter’s Church on Sunday the 5th May 2024 at 11.30am.



in St Peter’s Church Hall on Sunday 5th May 2024 at 11:30am


1. Notice of convening meeting to be read

2. Apologies for absence

3. Minutes of the 64th Vestry Meeting held on Sunday 26th March 2023

4. Matters arising from the Meeting held on Sunday 26th March 2023

5. Election of Churchwardens



in St Peter’s Church Hall on Sunday 5th May 2024 at 11:30am


1. Notice of convening meeting to be read

2. Apologies for absence

3. Minutes of the 64th Parochial Church Meeting held on Sunday 26th March 2023

4. Matters arising from the Meeting held on Sunday 26th March 2023

5. PCC Annual Report

6. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for 2023

7. Churchwardens’ Report

8. Secretary’s Report

9. Safeguarding Officer’s Report

10. Electoral Roll

11. Deanery Synod Report

12. List of Sides Persons

13. Election of four Parochial Church Council members

14. Election of one Deanery Synod member

15. Appointment of Independent Examiner

16. Attached Reports of Church Organisations

17. Any other business

PCC Annual Report

AGM May 2024

St Peter's Church Balsall Common, located at the heart of England, is led by a dynamic team committed to engaging with the expanding community, innovating worship, and nurturing growth, dedicated to outreach, inclusivity, and service.

The Balsall Common community, comprising approximately 6,300 residents, reflects a diverse mix of ages and backgrounds. With ongoing development, Balsall Common anticipates growth, offering ample opportunities for evangelism and community involvement. St Peter’s Church actively engages with local organizations and initiatives, cultivating a sense of belonging and service.

St Peter's embraces diverse worship styles, providing traditional and informal services alongside special events for all ages. Since COVID-19, we have introduced online access to our services, reaching a wider audience. Key services include weekly Sunday services with a mix of formats, lay-led services focused on accessibility, and community engagement sessions.

Readers, lay leaders and volunteers play crucial roles in service delivery and pastoral care. We actively collaborate with other local churches through joint services and community events, fostering cooperation and support.

In response to the Ukrainian crisis, St Peter’s hosted an English conversation club for refugees. St Peter’s continues to hold drop-in Warm Hub sessions. Our church supports various charities and initiatives both locally and globally.

Despite challenges, the church has maintained financial stability with an income from regular givers and innovative solutions like Contactless donation points. Detailed accounts for 2023 are available online.

The PCC extends sincere thanks to the Diocese of Birmingham for their support during the interregnum. We are currently seeking a new Incumbent, with interviews and meetings of prospective candidates held recently in April this year. Our ideal candidate would be a person committed to engaging with the community and supporting existing initiatives while encouraging new leadership and ideas.

In alignment with the Five Marks of Mission, St Peter's Church recognizes both its strengths and areas for improvement. Key priorities include strengthening school engagement, enhancing family involvement, and expanding outreach efforts to new developments within the village.

More reports from the leaders and details of church group activities for 2023 are available online, offering a deeper insight into the diverse range of initiatives and events undertaken by our congregation.

On 9th April 2023 we said goodbye to Father Peter Thomas as he retired from ministry. We thank him for his hard work, dedication and faithful ministry. We wish him and Sandra a long and happy retirement.

During the interregnum we have been blessed that our rota of locum ministers has allowed us to continue with our regular pattern of services, and we are grateful for their support of our worship.

In December 2023 our lay chair, Dr Mark Johnson sadly passed away. He made an enormous difference to our church life, he contributed freely of his time and skills in many areas, and we are still looking to fill all the positions that he so cheerfully took on. He is greatly missed.

Churchwardens Report

AGM May 2024

What a year it has been since our Vicar retired last Easter.

A very big acknowledgement must go to Christine for the fantastic job she has done in ensuring our church has a Minister each week. She has done an absolutely amazing job of ensuring the service cover has been arranged and I am sure that it has been very difficult at times. The Congregation has been happy, and I certainly have not heard any complaints.

Hopefully shortly we will have completed the interviews and will be able to appoint one of the candidates. I look forward to this happening to enable our church to move forward. We feel that this is a very important task to ensure that we find the right applicant is chosen.

Update – interview have now taken place and the successful candidate has been chosen. They have been informed of their successful application and this is now with the Bishop who will arrange for notification. I think all the congregation are very keen to know who will be leading our church in the future.

The outside cleaners continue to do a fortnightly clean and we have brought 6 fruit trees with donations. SMBC supplied us with 6 fruit trees for our community orchard. This is another step forward towards our Gold Eco Church recognition and were planned in connection with the Queens Green Canopy Woodland Trust

The Statistics for Mission was completed and submitted and a big thank you to Moira for her guidance when I completed this massive task. Lots of pages to this document! A very big sense of relief for me when I received the submitted notice.

We will be doing what Christine calls “Sherlock Holmes mode” and complete the terrier and inventory. Again, another big undertaking and I hope we will complete this soon. Each item in church must be documented and photographed – from hymn books to chairs and silverware. As she has previously suggested if anyone has any hymn books can they please return them to allow us to complete the terrier.

Sarah Roth

Treasurer’s Report

AGM May 2024

I present the unaudited accounts of St Peters Parochial Church Council.

Voluntary regular giving to the church has remained relatively constant. The PCC is grateful for the continued financial support from our congregation, especially in the current climate of rising costs. Other income is small, we have a limited number of fundraising events, such as the Thursday Teas, and the Beetle Drive, which nevertheless make a difference to our funds. We have received several one-off grants to assist us in providing the Warm Hub and the Ukrainian Conversation Classes.

Costs are under tight control. Our utilities bills are on a fixed contract which renews in March 2024. We have negotiated a good deal, but even so costs will increase by at least 25%. Administration costs include the cost of the CCLI license which allows us to livestream services, but which costs around £600 per year.

Sequestration income consists of fees due to the Diocese for weddings and funerals. Sequestration costs includes the cost of locum ministers and the ongoing fixed costs of St Peters House. As at 31 December 2023 the Diocese owes the PCC around £1,500.

We have continued to fulfil the Diocese’s request for Common Fund, and I can pass on the grateful thanks of the Diocese for this. For 2024 we have committed to the requested amount, plus a small gift, for a total amount of £50,000.

This, with the increase in utilities and other costs leaves us in an uneasy financial state. We are still able to meet our financial commitments as they fall due, but we have very little in reserves for any unexpected bills. I would ask us all to review our regular giving, and if we are able to make any increase, no matter how small, this would be very helpful.

We are looking to repair or make safe the fleche on the church roof, and we have started a fund towards this. The estimated cost is in excess of £20,000, mostly due to the need for scaffolding. We have started a fund for this, which has been greatly helped by the £1,558 donated in memory of Mark Johnson earlier this year.

The Hall continues to attract customers, both regular and one-off. Many thanks are due to Christine Hornsby for her tireless work in administering the lettings and chasing up the rent. Utilities again are on a fixed term contract, which on renewal in 2024 will increase by at least 25%. The only major expenditure this year has been on tree surgery which has made the trees safer and allows the solar panels to function efficiently.

The accounts will be examined by Alison Lowe, and her report will be available when the Annual Return is submitted to the Charities Commission.

Chris Lee

Accounts for 2023: 

Can be read as a PDF (Adobe Reader) File - CLICK HERE

Secretary’s Report

AGM May 2024

As I reflect on my first year as PCC secretary, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve alongside such dedicated committee members. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one of you for your unwavering commitment, collaborative spirit, and tireless efforts in ensuring the smooth functioning of our Parish.

Throughout this past year, our PCC has faced unique challenges, particularly in navigating the interregnum period. The attendance of our committee members has been commendable, with a high percentage of attendees at our nine meetings, including the meeting with Area Dean Nick Parker and Archdeacon Jenny Tomlinson to discuss steps towards appointing the next vicar. We also had a Section 11 meeting to approve the Parish Profile and appoint Parish Representatives.

Every PCC meeting has played a crucial role in addressing important matters, including discussions on the interregnum, financial planning and fundraising strategies, safeguarding protocols, church and hall maintenance, Eco Church matters, as well as various other day-to-day affairs vital to our parish's operation.

I want to sincerely thank Susan Clinton for her invaluable assistance in transitioning into the role of PCC secretary, providing guidance and support through her thorough handover of PCC documentation.

I am deeply grateful to the late Mark Johnson, whose mentorship, encouragement, inspiration and sense of humour, guided me, and I believe many of us, not just through the rules and procedures of CoE, but through our everyday life and faith journey. He is greatly missed.

A special acknowledgment is also due to all members of the Tech Team for their time and efforts in ensuring the smooth operation of our audiovisual systems and live streaming services, as well as maintaining the webpage and social media platforms.

Furthermore, I would like to offer a huge thank you to our Music Director, Kim Rawson, for his exceptional contributions in arranging music and leading our choir, enriching our worship experiences.

On a final note, I am pleased to report that our Church Electoral Roll currently stands at 117, reflecting the vibrant and engaged community within our parish.

The Treasurer presented the accounts for 2023 at our April meeting. The accounts for 2023 were provisionally approved pending being audited.

As we move forward, let us continue to work together, mindful of our shared mission and commitment to serving our parish community and a wider church!

Alla Pavuka

Safeguarding Officer’s Report

AGM May 2024

At St Peter’s Church, Balsall Common we recognise that the few who are determined to harm children or adults, deliberately seek out groups or organisations where they can meet children or other vulnerable people. The Church is particularly vulnerable to these people. Creating and maintaining a safeguarding culture will discourage them from becoming involved for the wrong reasons and make it difficult for them to harm or abuse children or adults if they do.

In respect of all reported Safeguarding concerns, St Peter’s Church, Balsall Common has complied with our duty to have “due regard” to the House of Bishops’ guidance in relation to safeguarding.

To assist with the creation of a safeguarding culture, Alison Bennett was appointed in January 2024 to be the designated Parish Safeguarding Officer and DBS administrator, to fill the vacancy which arose due to the death of Mark Johnson in December 2023. Moira Johnson continues in the role as the Safeguarding Lead for Domestic Violence. A review of current DBS holders and Safeguarding Training has been undertaken by Alison Bennett working with Christine Hornsby (Churchwarden) and discussed with Sarah Rose (Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Officer) and Peter Cozens (Safeguarding Training Support Officer) at the Diocese of Birmingham. The process is now underway to update these registers. Over the next few weeks, there will be a rolling programme to update the DBS certificates of relevant members of the congregation and to ensure that those persons have completed up to date training.

Alison Bennett



Afternoon Tea and Cakes

AGM May 2024

This has always been a great opportunity for folk to drop in to the church and enjoy a cup of tea and slice of home baked cake in a relaxed setting and has provided a great way for our church to serve our local community. With the introduction of the Warm Welcome Hub we have combined the two events on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

My thanks to the wonderful team of volunteers who bake cakes, serve the teas and coffees and make our visitors welcome.

Moira Johnson

Balsall Common Bereavement Care Service

AGM May 2024

The Bereavement Group offers comfort, support with the aim of helping individuals in our church and wider community who have experienced bereavement.

Our Remembering Service at All Souls tide was held mid-afternoon; with, as has become customary, time for reflection and the lighting of candles for those we knew but are no longer with us. This continues to be a well-supported service and we don’t think this is solely because of the tea & cakes served after the service!

We hope to run our third Bereavement Journey course later in the year.

We are a very small group providing this support and would welcome new volunteers. If you would like to find out more, please speak to me.

Margaret L Eyre

Bereavement Care Project Co-ordinator

Report from Churches Together in Balsall and Berkswell (CTBB)

AGM May 2024

Churches Together (CTBB) includes representatives from the following local churches:

Blessed Robert Grissold Church; Methodist Church; St John Baptist Church, Berkswell; St Mary’s Church, Temple Balsall; St Peter’s Church; St Swithin’s Church, Barston.

Here are some of the events which we have supported during the past year:

Eileen Lamb (Minutes Secretary)

Eco Church Update

AGM May 2024

Caring for Creation

One of the five Marks of Mission is “To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth” and the Church of England has made a commitment to Net Zero Carbon by 2030 and has an Environment Programme to support this aim. Church of England Environment Programme | The Church of England “We believe that responding to the climate crisis is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God's creation and achieve a just world. Climate change hits hardest the poorest countries and poorest people of the world. Meantime, the widespread destruction of the natural world is a crisis for creation.”

One of the ways in which we care for creation and help the environment at St Peter’s is through our commitment to Eco Church (Eco Church - An A Rocha UK Project) which has lots of ideas and suggestions for things we can do as a church and as individuals to help the environment. There are ideas for things we can do as individuals and families at Lifestyle - Eco Church ( and information specifically for children and young people at Kids - Eco Church ( and Youth - Eco Church (

In 2023/24 we have: -